Cloud outliner review how to#
I have been unable to find how to put a newline into a note on iOS. It seems that you can accomplish *most* of the same editing on the iOS version, but this involves memorizing a bunch of graphic signs used on iOS, in addition to memorizing the many keyboard shortcuts available on the Mac. A big glaring problem for me is that the app keyboard shortcuts don't work in the iOS version. I have purchased both the MacOS version and the iOS version, because I like to work interchangably between my iPad Pro (with either smart keyboard or bluetooth keyboard) and my MacBook Air, depending on where I am. I've been trying to understand how to work with this app for about two hours now.

For a reliable Outliner with and expandable and retractable file structure and unlimited hierarchy levels structure, it may be the best option available today Show more I use Notability for that too but it does not have a file hierarchy beyond a folder with underlings and no further hierarchy(much like Evernotes same major restriction) It would also be great to be able to use it more for tasks if it had tagging (context) and alerts. It also does not have the ability to attach files so it cant be used for information storage and retrieval. I copy and paste into notability and print fro there and it retains the structure but not the formatting. It is missing a couple key ingredients (there is no perfect app available) such as the ability to print. This app is stable and can be counted on and accessed from any device.

There are other good apps outliner like Notebooks where you can also have many levels of nested file structure but where the sync is not instant and completely unreliable so what good are they. Also the Sync is flawless all the time and I have only had one time in 3-4 months that I moved around a lot of folders and had a crash that lost the changes but beyond that it has been very reliable. A good outliner that allows for hierarchy folders and files that can be expanded or retracted - There are very few apps that will do this.